
Interim vrijwilliger: Web Developer / Designer

Organisatie in het kort


Te midden van groeiende ongelijkheden gebruiken we kunst voor sociale verandering, waarbij we streven naar een meer inclusieve en gelijke samenleving. We pakken grote ongelijkheden in de samenleving aan, zoals inkomensverschillen die leiden tot problemen op school en met geld, vooral voor jongeren uit minder kansrijke gezinnen.

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Impact thema’s

💛 Kunst en cultuur
💛 Mensenrechten
💛 Diversiteit en inclusiviteit

Project details


2 - 4 hours per week


Op locatie en/of vanuit huis


We kunnen direct starten


Uniting minds and hearts, both online and on earth, we challenge hollow social trends. To bring people together, fostering genuine connections and championing the cause of social justice. You can contribute to that.

Sofia D.Zaza

Sofia D.Zaza



Waarom we jou nodig hebben

Recognizing the growing importance of our online presence, I initiated the creation of the official website for our foundation, AMAS, including an online gallery shop. However, the complexity of this task, coupled with various responsibilities within the foundation, highlighted the need for professional support in ensuring a successful and impactful online platform.

Hier zijn we naar op zoek

  • Support for web development or design-related topics, for a minimum period of 6 months, for 2-4 hours per week.
  • Think of: define objectives, content planning, choose a platform, design and layout, online gallery shop set-up, functionality and features optimization, mobile responsiveness, testing, SEO optimization, security measures, launch, receive support on ongoing Maintenance
  • The exact schedule can be flexibly arranged according to your availability. We will determine each month what tasks to tackle and how to approach them.

Onze ervaring met soortgelijke projecten: Ik ben er bekend mee of heb er eerdere ervaring mee

🙋‍♂️ Ben jij de vrijwilliger die we zoeken?

A web developer or web designer who can assist with the development, further development, and/or maintenance of our website for a minimum period of 6 months.

🔧 Web Development
📲 Webdesign

Dit hebben we al in huis

  • Initial website set up.
  • Domain secured, Premium plan active on Wix.com
  • Contact person: Sofia D.Zaza (Co-founder) Available on WhatsApp at all times. on phone from 9:00- 14:00.
  • Access to our CSM system.
  • Issues and/or objectives related to our digital product.

Samenwerkingsvorm Interim vrijwilliger.

  • There is a set of defined tasks for a maximum of 2 - 4 hours per week. For a minimum period of 6 months.
  • The form of collaboration and contact moments will be mutually coordinated.
  • Start date and end date to be discussed.

De missie van AMAS.

🎨Kunst en cultuur
💒 Gevestigde organisatie

We pakken grote ongelijkheden in de samenleving aan, zoals inkomensverschillen die leiden tot problemen op school en met geld, vooral voor jongeren uit minder kansrijke gezinnen. Onze missie? Deze problemen oplossen door middel van kunst en cultuur, met hulp van de nieuwste technologieën. We willen belangrijke maatschappelijke problemen aanpakken en jongeren helpen hun carrières opnieuw op te bouwen met hun verborgen artistieke talenten. Doe mee en maak samen met ons het verschil!

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Professionals over AMAS

Nooshin 👐 Interim vrijwilliger: Web Developer / Designer


"It was a valuable experience working for the AMAS project. Sofia, was one of the best person I have ever worked with. She is very responsible, flexible and open-minded which are all very crucial features in teamwork."


Peter-Jan 👐 Business coach


"Working with Sofia was very inspiring. Sofia is creative, enthusiastic and very driven. She has a clear and sharp end goal in mind. At the same time, she is open to feedback and suggestions, gets to work on them immediately and is very open-minded. The conversations are very pleasant and open. I particularly appreciate her openness from her own story. Sofia is very authentic, very friendly and at the same time very modest. Working together during the period through the Nieuwe Gevers was very pleasant and enjoyable from my point of view. I definitely recommend other professionals to work with Sofia!"
