Stichting Natural Livestock Farming-photo (1)
Stichting Natural Livestock Farming

Stichting Natural Livestock Farming

Healthy livestock is kept in a sustainable way: with enriched soils, animal wellbeing, decent farm income and milk without chemical residues!

Stichting Natural Livestock Farming in actie.




Duurzaamheid, natuur en milieu


1 tot 3 teamleden

Exchange on use of herbs
Exchange on use of herbs
Women especially benefit
Women especially benefit
International collaboration
International collaboration


Onze missie


  • Unique evidence of effect NLF 5-layer strategy for livestock health, milk production, milk quality, farm income and position of women
  • Clear evidence of use of herbs in livestock (also known as Ethno Veterinary Practices EVP)
  • Increased international recognition of livestock keepers, veterinarians, universities and governments on natural ways of improving livestock health, including the use of herbs.
  • Practices now adopted in government strategy and veterinary education in 3 of the 4 partner countries.
  • Potential to amplify to other livestock species with special relevance for food security in ‘developing countries’, like chicken, pigs, small ruminants (sheep and goats)

Professionals over Stichting Natural Livestock Farming

Lara 👐 Start maken met Funnel


"Katrien en Arjen waren hele prettige personen om mee samen te werken. Ik kreeg veel informatie, veel vertrouwen en voelde de bevlogenheid van beiden mbt de doelen van de stichting. Een mooie stichting waar nog veel te behalen valt!"


Glenn 👐 Poster of flyer design


"De samenwerking met NLF was professioneel, vriendelijk, open en betrokken. De feedback was altijd helder met een positieve insteek, en ze stonden open voor nieuwe ideeën en uitingen. Ik blijf zeker in contact!"
